Business Automation and Software Blog

Cystal 10 Business Reporting Answer: Group Header Titles on All Pages

Posted by Robert Baran on Tue, Jun 14, 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Crystal Reports is a great business reporting application, however sometimes challenges get in the way of the reports you need. We recently learned something new for Crystal version 10 and up that is a huge time saver!

To repeat group headers on the top of every page for a group that spans across multiple pages, you no longer go to the section expert.  In version 10 you have to go to the Group Expert, click on the group on the right, then click the options button, go to the options tab, and then check "Repeat Group Header on Each Page" ~Voilà~ Titles on every page regardless of where the group splits!

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Topics: Business Reporting, crystal reports