How to Embrace CRM and Make it Succeed in Your Organization
Giving small and mid-size manufacturers and distributors visibility.
In this white paper:
- What is CRM?
- Ownership of Data
- What Makes CRM Work?
- A Successful CRM Solution
- Integration is Key
- Importance of Real-Time Integration
- A Typical Case Scenario
Learn more about CRM for SYSPRO.
What Our Customers Say About Working with PositiveVision
GPC: “PositiveVision and our ERP system saves us considerable time, thereby increasing productivity. GPC’s Shipping Manager saves 3 to 4 hours daily—all time that he previously spent inputting redundant data. That’s a savings of over 1,000 hours a year! Information generated in production or orders is immediately available in shipping for us to view. The new ERP system is easier to use, information is easier to look up, and it is easy to do multiple things at once." - Dawn Petry, GPC
Perkins Products: "I would highly recommend PositiveVision to anyone out there who may be looking for a technology provider ... especially if you have specialized process needs that cannot be met by out-of-the-box software.” - Kathleen Flynn, Perkins Products
AirTek: “When we started this process we were in one small building, now we have four buildings and have not added any new personnel, due to what PositiveVision and our ERP system has done for us.” - Bernard Tucker, AirTek