Business Automation and Software Blog

What Can I Do with a SYSPRO ERP Chatbot?

Posted by Robert Baran on Wed, Oct 07, 2020 @ 11:00 AM

ERPs already deliver process automation across industries, organizations, even departments. These systems are designed to depend on recurring events, static rules, and structured data. Because of this setup, often unstructured data cannot be automatically processed and must be manually entered.

With ERPs intended to streamline workflows, continuing to improve enterprise productivity has remained top of mind as software developers seek to advance and improve their solutions. This has bred many advancements in the technology, including the recent addition of AI-powered ERP chatbots. These bots can help process unstructured ERP data and simplify information exchange.

The Perks of Adding an ERP Integrated Chatbot

Chatbots are already a familiar tool to many who have been on various websites across the internet and experienced chatbot-driven customer service interactions. Similarly, a chatbot integrated into an ERP can take a complex ERP user query, process it with the ERP software using a common language, and pass the resulting information back to the user in a way they can understand. In short, a chatbot-integrated ERP can enhance your business productivity. Here’s how:

  • Increase process efficiency: Tasks such as processing a work order or data entry are crucial, yet mundane. A chatbot can help with these sorts of repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to invest their time in more productive work. Using chatbots also minimizes the opportunity for human error during manual data entry.
  • Improve supply chain management: Especially important now as companies continue to manage supply chain disruption, a chatbot integrated ERP system can quickly identify errors in supply chains and handle the recall process. It can be programmed to automate data tracking, interpret and understand a delivery order, even create shipping labels for upcoming shipments.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Perhaps the greatest advantage is an improved customer experience where your customers no longer have to wait for answers, especially if those questions are posed after hours for your human customer service team. Chatbots can pull data that allows them to provide accurate, personalized, and detailed information. Even internal teams can get help with navigating ERP information by querying a chatbot any time of day rather than waiting to get connected to a support team member.

Meet Ken, SYSPRO ERP Chatbot Extraordinaire

Sound like a good solution? The developers at SYSPRO thought so, too. Released within the past two years, the new SYSPRO chatbot, “Ken,” is able to handle self-service requests and provides a consistent, collaborative user experience. Chatbot Ken is initially programmed with the capability of approximately 150 skill sets for routine tasks, such as checking stock availability, pricing out configured products, and checking account balances and order statuses. Using its programmed intelligence, “Ken” can also create sales orders directly from chat conversations, or even resolve order issues.

SYSPRO ERP chatbot Ken features the following:

  • 24/7 global availability through Azure hosting and Microsoft Bot Framework
  • Interaction through your platforms and devices of choice
  • Human language interpretation through machine learning, natural language parameters, and Microsoft’s Language Understanding Intelligence Service
  • An available 60-skill set availability with the opportunity to be “trained” on any other skills
  • Personality matching to develop a digital persona that matches existing company branding and voicing standards
  • Adherence to all predetermined security and authentication protocols.

In short, implementing a SYSPRO ERP chatbot integration will optimize self-service, improving your organization’s reputation, which can result in increased sales and profitability.

Onboard Ken With the Help of PositiveVision

As companies continue to look for cost-effective ways to mitigate the economic strain of the pandemic and keep business rolling at a sustainable and profitable pace, adding a chatbot integration to your SYSPRO ERP could be just the bump your team needs. Offload manual tasks, increase visibility, and make working with your ERP that much easier with the help of chatbots like Ken.

Consider adding Ken to your team today. The SYSPRO ERP experts at PositiveVision can help you seamlessly integrate the chatbot into an existing instance of SYSPRO, or even help you build a new SYSPRO ERP experience from the ground up. Let us show you how easy it can be.

Topics: ERP chatbot, SYSPRO chatbot