Business Automation and Software Blog

Conquering Costs and Complexity: Warehouse Management System

Posted by Robert Baran on Tue, Oct 21, 2014 @ 09:06 PM

WMS WhitepaperManufacturers and distributors are under severe pressure to increase the productivity and performance of their warehouse operations in the face of growing costs and complexity.

Some companies, however, are recognizing this warehouse management challenge as an opportunity to strengthen their competitive market positions. These best-in-class performers are meeting today’s warehouse visibility, agility, and productivity challenges by investing in advanced warehouse management solutions.

The consequences of inaction are growing. As customers become increasingly demanding and supply chains increasingly global, the profitability of today’s manufacturers and distributors is at risk. The immediate problems that are undermining warehouse management performance are:

• Ineffective order management

• Excessive labor costs

• Inefficient asset use

While market laggards remain wedded to processes, practices, and systems that perpetuate these difficulties, market leaders are taking warehouse management to new levels. They are adopting advanced systems that help them deliver the perfect order, reduce labor costs, and maximize the use of space and equipment.

These systems enhance warehouse operations by leveraging such next-level capabilities as inventory management, work and task management, radio frequency and voice direction, labor management, slotting, and kitting and light assembly.

Moving beyond the limitations of existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, advanced warehouse management solutions position firms to operationally excel and drive profitable growth in today’s hypercompetitive markets.  The question that emerges now is: Which companies will perform as leaders and which ones will continue to act as laggards? Futures will turn on the paths that are taken.

To learn more, download our whitepaper.

Complimentary Whitepaper ► ► Conquering Costs and Complexity with Advanced Warehouse Management Solutions

Topics: Warehouse Efficiency, Warehouse Management System