Business Automation and Software Blog

How Will 5G Affect Manufacturing Solutions and Processes?

Posted by Robert Baran on Wed, Jul 24, 2019 @ 11:00 AM

The next new thing in cell phones has arrived: Major networks are advertising their 5G networks, and the newest 5G-enabled phones are hitting the market. While many will assume—rightly so—that this means more speed and probably a new phone to accommodate that speed, 5G is actually so much more than the chance to load the latest Snapchat story faster. It actually has some significant implications for business technology.

The Four G’s That Led to 5G

The “G” in 5G means this is the fifth generation of cellular wireless. Each generation has its own hallmarks: 1G was analog, while 2G brought first-generation digital cellular technology. Next, 3G gave us speeds of a few megabits per second, and 4G included LTE, which helped scale up to speeds as high as gigabit-level.

So what does 5G bring to the table? It boasts greater speed, which empowers the movement of more data; lower latency for better responsiveness; and the ability to connect to more devices at once. While it might not mean much to the average cell phone user, this last capability is especially notable for sensors and smart devices. This will prove especially helpful for manufacturing solutions.

Bringing 5G to Business

Many businesses—especially manufacturing—are already on board with the current cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) advancements to help their processes run leaner and grow revenue. IoT devices are key in providing real-time feedback, including shipping and storage conditions, repair and preventative maintenance alerts, and supply chain data. All this data is then stored in the cloud while some is even translated into ERPs and other database programs.

With the advent of 5G, access to high-capacity performance, wireless flexibility, and low latency, support for gathering operational intelligence can only grow. As these networks grow, using machine learning to become smarter and leaner, they will produce even more capturable data which provides actionable intelligence for increased productivity. Additionally, the high reliability and low latency mean that equipment-to-equipment communication can occur even faster via wireless connections, enabling better response time to critical operations.

Are You Ready for 5G?

While 5G availability may still be ramping up, there are steps you can take now to prepare. It’s important to implement technologies that support your manufacturing solutions right now while also preparing a bridge to future technology capabilities. AT&T, one of the first to publicize its 5G network, offers four areas of readiness to assess when preparing your infrastructure.

  • Virtualization
  • Cloud
  • IoT
  • Cybersecurity

PositiveVision Looks Forward to 5G

5G is quite possibly one of the first cellular generations built with the business user in mind, specifically regarding how businesses experience digital data. If you don’t have the right pieces in place now, you could find yourself far behind the 5G power curve. Getting there requires the right technologies, but also the right partner.

Since 2002—long before even 3G—PositiveVision has been partnering with businesses to ensure they have the right software in place for success. With the advent of manufacturing solutions that connect through RFID and cloud data, PVI has ensured that its customers remain on the cutting edge of technology to appropriately harness data for reporting, analyzation, and ultimate success. Let us help you lay the foundation for 5G at your business. Give us a call today—even if your cell phone is still 4G.



Topics: manufacturing solutions