Business Automation and Software Blog

Have you Started on your Systems’ Spring Cleaning?

Posted by Robert Baran on Wed, Apr 17, 2013 @ 10:24 AM

business-system-spring-cleaningNow that the tax season is finally over it’s time to take a minute, reflect on the past two months and find some ways that life could have been more efficient and a lot easier. Did you find yourself saying any of the following “if only” statements during tax season?

  • If only I could find that report the accountant wanted.
  • If only I did not have to search through so many dead records to find the information I need.
  • If only I could make changes to our Chart of Accounts.
  • If only I did not have to sort through un-used inventory.
  • If only our system was not so slow.

We have seen many companies struggle with inefficiencies that really can be avoided simply by doing a little Spring Cleaning. As your systems partner, it is our job to make sure your system is running as efficiently as it can. We also want to be sure that you are protecting your data by testing your back up software and conducting annual system maintenance. For some of you, you may be asking “What annual maintenance do I need to be doing?” And if that is you, or if you have not begun to think about cleaning up your systems, it’s time to give us a call.

Topics: business management software, organizational efficiency, document management