Business Automation and Software Blog

How Do Manufacturers Create a Paperless Office?

Posted by Robert Baran on Thu, Oct 07, 2021 @ 11:00 AM

Manufacturers across the world are moving toward a paperless office by reducing paper costs, reducing papers that get lost, reducing human errors, reducing the need for filing cabinets, reducing the need to print, and reducing the amount of time it takes to find information.

How are manufacturers doing this? DASH!

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Topics: document management, paperless office

Have you Started on your Systems’ Spring Cleaning?

Posted by Robert Baran on Wed, Apr 17, 2013 @ 10:24 AM

Now that the tax season is finally over it’s time to take a minute, reflect on the past two months and find some ways that life could have been more efficient and a lot easier. Did you find yourself saying any of the following “if only” statements during tax season?

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Topics: business management software, organizational efficiency, document management

Improve Quality Control regarding Document Management

Posted by Nicole Sherman on Tue, Oct 30, 2012 @ 08:18 AM

If your business is like any other business out there, you are probably inundated with hundreds of text files, images; video and audio files a day. Where do you store and keep track of all of these important files? If you are like most companies, you do not have a specific strategy for storing business-critical documents. Many companies allow their employees to store their files as they like, making it difficult to find files should an employee be absent.

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Topics: document management

Business Process Automation: The Hidden Costs of Paper

Posted by Robert Baran on Wed, Feb 08, 2012 @ 12:38 PM

The overall impact of processing, handling and storing paper documents in the workplace is astounding from a financial, environmental and resource perspective. Not only can the inefficiencies inherent with paper-based bottlenecks be cumbersome on day-to-day operations, but the improper storage or loss of these documents can cripple or devastate a business.

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Topics: document management