Business Automation and Software Blog

6 Questions to Ask an EDI Provider Before You Implement the Software

Posted by Robert Baran on Tue, Mar 20, 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Electronic Data Interchange (or EDI) allows your company’s computer system to “talk” to your customers’ systems, electronically exchanging business documents and information. This form of data transfer is routinely used for distribution of purchase orders, invoices and shipping information. The best part is – it can integrate seamlessly with your ERP software! If you want to know more about EDI and how it can benefit your company, click here

Once you decide to implement Electronic Data Interchange software, it is crucial that you select a provider who can give you the full service this solution requires. You don’t want someone who will just set up the system and leave you to figure out the rest! The following 6 questions will help you ensure that you’re getting a partner who will go the distance with you during and after the implementation.

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Topics: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)