Business Automation and Software Blog

From nice-to-have to necessity: Getting serious about Social Business

Posted by Robert Baran on Thu, Jul 17, 2014 @ 12:50 PM

Infor Ming.le™ is Infor’s new “social business” tool which is an entirely new business concept. Infor Ming.le brings the power of a social media type of tool into the business environment to create a seamless collaboration tool.  If you just thought, “Huh?” don’t feel bad. To put it in perspective, this would be like trying to explain e-mail way back when it was first introduced (in its DOS based format).  Until you see it, it’s just hard to grasp.  However, can you imagine working without e-mail today?  That is how you will feel once you see and use Infor Ming.le. 

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Topics: Social Media and Business Management, Collaboration