Business Automation and Software Blog

Linda Baran

Linda Baran is in charge of the people side of PositiveVision. Linda’s background includes working in a variety of industries including investment, manufacturing, and information technology.

Recent Posts

Humans and AI Collaborate in the Workplace

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Jul 17, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

For some people, the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace immediately brings to mind negative thoughts. They picture a scenario where "the machines have taken over," similar to the plot of the Terminator films. The truth is much more favorable for humans: we are collaborating with AI to perform several jobs, but there is no reason to believe that we must worry about Cyberdyne Systems running everything and humans having to go underground in real life.

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Topics: Artificial intelligence in the workplace

Is Your Company Too Big for Its Manufacturing Accounting Software?

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Jun 19, 2024 @ 08:00 AM

Replace Accounting Software That Can’t Keep Pace as Your Company Grows

Your business is in a good place. New customers are coming on board, the number of orders is up, and the manufacturing division is growing. These are exciting times, but expansion presents many challenges, too. As the operation scales up, you will likely need to consider upgrading your manufacturing accounting system.

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Topics: manufacturing accounting

Operational Efficiency Crucial for Profitable Distributors

Posted by Linda Baran on Tue, May 21, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

In the post-COVID era, many distributors find several factors squeezing their profitability. Hiring and retaining employees continues to be a challenge. Demand for products varies, and as well as lead time to replenish necessary stock varies, leading to shortages. Rising inflation pressures distributors to stay profitable due to consumers' increased demands and higher supply costs. The business environment for all distributors is good news; those focusing on operational efficiency outperform their competition. 

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Topics: operational efficiency

5 Warehouse Training Tips to Increase Productivity

Posted by Linda Baran on Thu, Apr 11, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

The right warehouse training encourages workers to commit to the company, inspires loyalty and creativity, and increases productivity. Warehouse team members’ training should take a two-pronged approach. First, it should give workers the skills they need to operate the machines and warehouse equipment they need to perform their job functions. Second, an effective training program must demonstrate to employees how their work is essential and required for the company to succeed.

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Topics: warehouse training tips

CRM Training an Essential Step for Your Team

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Mar 06, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Congratulations on choosing your customer relationship management (CRM) system! The next step for your company is to ensure that your team members complete CRM training. The training involves much more than ensuring that your team members have names and passwords so they can log in. Learning to use the CRM system effectively is a crucial step toward improving customer experiences and satisfaction rates. Teams must familiarize themselves with all of your CRM’s features to get the most out of this powerful software option.

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Topics: CRM training

6 Steps for Successful ERP Implementation Budgeting

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Feb 14, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

When a company introduces ERP (enterprise resource planning) to manage day-to-day operations, it's a sign the business has moved on from startup mode. The business is generally well-established, with a steady stream of customers. A successful ERP implementation project requires setting the proper budget.

ERP implementation budgeting must carefully account for changes as the project evolves. The budget should include funding for research and getting quotes, any customization needed, maintenance and support, training, and a contingency fund to pay for unexpected costs. 


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Topics: ERP implementation budgeting

ERP Trends for 2024

Posted by Linda Baran on Thu, Feb 01, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

As we begin 2024, we see a mixed bag of conditions for U.S. businesses. While the global pandemic has officially ended, it doesn’t mean we have returned to “business as usual.” Businesses of all types are trying to cope with the continued shortage of qualified employees. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being used more often in the business world. It’s difficult to predict precisely how 2024 ERP trends will develop, but there is no doubt it will be an exciting year for business owners.


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Topics: ERP trends

Companies Reskilling Workers in the AI Age

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Dec 06, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

In the AI age, reskilling workers has become necessary to prepare employees for new career opportunities. Modern automation is creating a change in the employment landscape of a type we have never encountered before. According to the Harvard Business Review, millions of people are likely to be impacted by this latest technological development. As modern software takes over more and more repetitive tasks, humans are no longer needed to perform them in the workplace. Employers have an important role to play in the new, developing employment situation and it’s not too late for more of them to get on board.

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Topics: reskilling workers

How ERP Business Intelligence Software Helps Optimize Manufacturing Roles

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Nov 01, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Data is a critical resource for modern companies. The drive for improved access to data-driven tools for making decisions has created challenges for managing and delivering data to users in formats that can easily be used daily. Company owners and managers need ERP business intelligence software to provide access to easy-to-digest reports, charts, etc. Embedded analytics fill this requirement and allow employees to work with fresh data quickly.


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Topics: ERP business intelligence