Business Automation and Software Blog

Are You Leaving Money on the Table? The Untapped Power of ERP for Manufacturing

Posted by Linda Baran on Wed, Sep 18, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) for manufacturing provides powerful software to maximize sales opportunities. One such opportunity lies within your company’s data. ERPs collect a large amount of data from everywhere in the company, enabling 360-degree visibility into all aspects of production, operations, sales, and distribution.

However, leveraging such data to find untapped sales is something that many manufacturers neglect. Are you leaving money on the table by not using your ERP for manufacturing to its fullest?

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Topics: ERP data, AI, erp for manufacturing

5 Ways to Get More Profitability From Your ERP Data

Posted by Robert Baran on Wed, Aug 14, 2019 @ 11:00 AM

Most people outside of accounting and finance don’t get that excited about ERP data and analytics. Throughout your career, you’ve likely been subjected to eyes glazing over at a cocktail party when you’ve mentioned that your day job is in finance. But as a CFO, you know that while your ERP data might not make for very good small talk, the smallest nuances and trends in that data make for excellent keys to profitability.

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Topics: ERP data